Home » Amazon Long-tail Keyword Strategy to Fuel Your PPC Campaigns

Amazon Long-tail Keyword Strategy to Fuel Your PPC Campaigns

by Steven Brown

Long-tail keywords are a bunch of keywords buyers use to find your products. These keywords are more specific. Customers prefer to use these keyword phrases when they are searching for a product they want to buy. Also, customers who use voice search to find a product will benefit more from long-tail keywords.

They can be very helpful if you know how to use Long-tail keywords. They are the exact opposite of short-tail keywords because their volume and CPC (cost per click) are much lower than those of short-tail keywords

Why Are Long-Tail Keywords So Crucial? 

One of the first things an eCommerce seller needs to do is research keywords. Adding more research to your business will help you go the extra mile. Spend a little time making your long-tail keywords more specific. This will help your brand rise to the top. Long-tail keywords raise your conversion rate as customers get closer to choosing the product they want. This, in turn, helps your product rank higher on sites like Amazon.

Long-tail keywords are usually best for a new seller because they have less competition, a low CPC, and a lot of people who want to buy.

Uses of Long-tail keywords:

For eCommerce businesses that wish to rank higher for their buyer keywords, using a long-tail keyword strategy is seen as a smart move.

Let’s look at why your Amazon PPC campaigns need a long-tail keyword strategy:

  • Less competition: As discussed above, they have less competition because long-tail keywords are useful for fewer sellers. So, ranking organically is easier, and a higher spot in the search results will bring in more traffic.
  • More conversions: People who use long-tail keywords to search have a strong desire to buy, so they are considered more qualified leads. So, a customer looking at your listing will likely buy your product. This increases the number of people who buy from you and raises your organic search ranking.

How To Search And Find The Right Long-Tail Keyword Phrase? 

Amazon’s Long-tail Keyword Strategy is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategy for Amazon that focuses on keywords that don’t get searched for very often. Best Amazon Marketing Services pay close attention to these keywords.

In the last few years, the amount of Long-Tail Keywords has grown a lot, which shows that this type of marketing strategy has a lot of potential.

There could be an infinite number of long-tail keywords from a single general keyword. But a smart Amazon long-tail PPC campaign would research the phrases and keywords people use most often. Here are some methods:

1.      Google search term report.

You may have noticed that a few suggestions appear when you type a word into Google’s search bar. These suggestions are the most-searched terms that are related to your keyword.

Even though this is the easiest trick you can do, you can’t rely on it alone because it still comes from an outside source. Google’s search suggestions come from over the web, so they may not always be relevant to your business.

Google’s keyword planner is an important tool for most business owners and people who sell things online. Also, we have Google Search Term Report to find out which search terms are working well for your ads in Google’s search network. With this report, you can find search terms with a lot of potentials and also find search terms that don’t apply to your business and mark them as bad for your advertising campaigns.

2.      Look at past information

You can use historical data from your own webpage or product page to find more specific and useful long-tail keywords. You can see which types of products bring the most people to your website and which pages are the most popular. For example, you might have four listings for shirts, but the red shirt is the one people search for or click on the most. This means that the red shirt is the most likely to be sold.  

3.      Go for Professional Tools

You can use many keyword research tools and apps online to help you find the right keywords. If you don’t think you can do keyword research yourself, you can also ask professionals to help you plan, run, and manage your campaigns.

4.      Amazon search term report.

If you are selling through Amazon, then you should obviously use the Amazon search term report for long-tail keywords.

You can find the Amazon search term report in a few different ways.

  • Go to your Amazon Seller Central account and tap the “Advertising” tab.
  • Now tap on Campaign Manager.
  • The Advertising reports can be found on the next page.
  • When you see the section for reports, click the Create Report button.
  • On the next page, you will notice Configuration and Report Settings.
  • Ensure you pick the search term in the report type. Now, give the report a name to distinguish it from other reports. Set the report’s time frame to what you need. It would usually take between 30 and 60 days.
  • Click on Run report next.
  • Open the report to see the search terms and Amazon long-tail keywords.

Advantages of A Long-Tail amazon PPC Campaign Strategy

1.      Not much competition

When bidding on keywords, there isn’t much or any competition for long-tail keywords because people are less likely to search for them. Long-tail keywords are very specific, so only a few relevant listings will show up in the search results. This lets the most relevant products get the most attention.

2.      Higher rate of conversion

People who just look at e-commerce sites without doing anything are likely to put broad keywords in the search box. You could just say “sunglasses,” “running shoes,” or “fantasy novels” instead of these words. On the other hand, people who want to buy a product would take the time to type in longer keywords to narrow down the search results. These keywords could be “pink glasses for women,” “best running shoes for kids,” or “young adult fantasy novels 2021.”

3.      Usually less expensive

Bidding isn’t very competitive for long-tail keywords because there isn’t a lot of competition for them. This means that you can rank easily for these keywords for less money. A low bid price will actually impact the cost-per-click (CPC) and the advertising costs of sales (ACos), which is the total value of the campaign and is calculated by dividing the total cost of advertising by the number of sales.


You often don’t think about long-tail keywords or use enough to improve your conversion rate. Some long-tail keywords have nothing to do with your business. You can figure out which are the best long-tail keywords and phrases for your products or services. Focus on these keywords and improve your shipping rate and customer service, among other customer metrics. This helps you keep up with the growth of your business over time.

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