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A guide about using Twitter hashtags to increase site visits

by Steven Brown

Findings from recent studies shed light on Twitter role in directing site visitors to publishers’ websites and recommend ways to maximize the use of hashtags on the platform.

For the best results, publishers should use two or three Twitter hashtags in each tweet. Based on the findings of the first research to provide empirical proof of how hashtags increase engagement, that is the most effective strategy for using hashtags. A total of 6.6 million tweets were analyzed in eight different languages during the course of the study’s year-long duration.


Insight into how Twitter drives traffic to publisher sites and best practices for using Twitter hashtags are provided in new research from publishing-automation startup Echobox. During the time period of September 2020 – September 2021, Echobox analyzed 6.5 million tweets. French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Greek, and Arabic tweets were included alongside those in the international language of English.

There was a 16% increase in pageviews from tweets including exactly three hashtags, compared to tweets containing no hashtags, according to the study. However, the optimal quantity of hashtags varied by content vertical and publication type.

CEO of Echobox Antoine Amann recently stated that publishers previously lacked data-backed recommendations for using hashtags on Twitter. He elaborated:

Many people have wasted time or missed out on traffic because they were too concerned about using the perfect hashtags.

The findings of this latest study provide publishers with a novel understanding and concrete recommendations for making the most of hashtags on Twitter.

Why it matters

Improved Networks Although Twitter has never ranked as a major referral source for publishers’ traffic, return on investment is always an important consideration. While Google’s reach is unparalleled and Facebook’s social media dominance is unmatched. This year’s Facebook outages served as a sobering reminder of the importance of diversifying traffic sources.

Twitter’s fortunes have also experienced a rebound this year. According to Digiday, “Twitter has finally started to extend its wings, launching a flood of product improvements this year,” after years of criticism for being indecisive and sluggish to adapt to market developments.

The launch of Twitter Blue’s membership offer and the company’s decision to integrate the newsletter product Revue have brought Twitter back into the limelight as a publishing platform. The leadership shift has also brought with it new goals for the social network’s growth, including an aim to increase its active user base by 100 million by the end of 2023.

How to use Twitter Trends or Hashtags to increase your website traffic

In contrast to Twitter’s advice that publications use “no more than 2 hashtags per tweet,” Echobox claims that using three hashtags is optimal. Publishers are urged to avoid using a single hashtag because zero hashtags produce better results.

Hashtag usage can increase traffic by around 220%, though this number varies greatly across content types and publishers. If you’re a publication in the fields of business and economics, international news/foreign affairs, sports, or technology, the sweet spot is three hashtags. To get the most out of your Entertainment titles, use two hashtags.

Try to use Twitter trends and write content related to it. This way you have a higher chance to get your tweet to go viral and as result, you’ll get more referral traffic for your website. You can check what is trending on Twitter from this link easily from over 450+ cities and 60+ countries.

Most publishers benefit most from placing hashtags at the conclusion of a tweet, albeit this does not have nearly as much of an effect on referrals as the number of hashtags used. Hashtags placed at the conclusion of a tweet saw a 77% increase in referral traffic in the Entertainment category. Whereas those placed in the middle or at the end of a tweet in the Sports category saw a substantial decrease in referral traffic.

Referral traffic is hard to come by, and hashtags are not a magic bullet. Hashtags won’t increase clicks much if your tweets don’t get much engagement to begin with. Below are the 5 methods that you can use to increase referral traffic from Twitter.

5 ways to get more traffic on your tweets

  1. Keep Tweets Short:

One, the “tweet” itself is relatively brief. On the other hand, shorter sentences with fewer words can occasionally be more powerful than their lengthier counterparts. I’ve seen a select few writers with a sizable audience employ the usage of concise tweets to promote their topics. However, originality is also required. Therefore, it’s crucial that you tweet about something that your followers would find fascinating.

Using short, inventive tweets with powerful language is the only way to pique your audience’s interest and get their attention. It’s not easy to write persuasive information when you have only 140 characters. The interaction rate with a tweet of fewer than 100 characters increases by 21%. Because of this, you need carefully consider how to use each word. Always keep in mind that you are not obligated to use the exact title of your blog post while tweeting it.

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  1. Include statistics

Statistics and quotations are always well received. Get the word out on Twitter if you have any compelling numbers to share from your story. Combining numerals and alphabetic characters is also acceptable. For the simple reason that this method is more effective than just employing letters in getting the reader’s attention. As a result, the larger number of characters in your tweet will ensure that it is seen by your followers.

  1. Use of Hashtags

Use hashtags in inventive ways: they’re a terrific method to reach out to those who aren’t already following you on Twitter. When tweeting, you can employ a few excellent strategies to increase click-throughs to your blog post using hashtags. Here are two cases in point.

Create a custom hashtag to advertise your blog, e-book, brand, or website based on a certain topic. To promote itself, A Couples Adventures employs a branded hashtag, like #ACA. One of the hashtags they came up with to market their business is #adventure. Which they also use in conjunction with #travel and #fun. From Twitter to Google+, they continuously employ it.

  1. Schedule your Tweets

Are you tweeting at the wrong time? For optimal Twitter traffic, timing your tweets is of the utmost importance. Most of your Twitter followers will be unable to see your tweets if you send them when they are not online. Because of this, tweeting at optimal times is essential for maximizing your tweets’ visibility and achieving your desired outcomes. The perfect moment to tweet can be scheduled with the help of the correct social media platform.

  1. Use mentions

Numerous applications exist for the use of @mention. The mention will appreciated, and they may even retweet your message to their own followers. Thus, you wind up drawing a lot of attention to yourself, which increases by a factor of several.


Moreover, the greatest method to show appreciation for your dedicated blog readers is to give credit where credit is due. And mention those who have contributed insightful comments to your post. It’s a kind thing to do, and they’ll probably spread the word to their followers by retweeting your message. Getting mentioned can help you meet new people and gain more Twitter followers.

Let me know how you use Twitter. Do you use Twitter? If not, try these easy tricks. Tell me what you’ve found to be effective. Last but not least, please use the comment section to add any further advice you may have. Send me a message, please; I need your input!

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