by Steven Brown
lifeguard recertification near me

For a good maintenance of life and human existence, the practice of sport is of vital importance. Thinking about the benefits of Lifeguard recertification near me sports in general, we decided to elaborate this article to deal with the benefits of swimming for the human body and, why not, for the psyche of each of us?

On the other hand, no less important, is the social aspect. The practice of sports is able to integrate us strongly into society and can be the “salvation” for many problems, such as depression -, as we mentioned in the first paragraph when briefly addressing the topic of psychology in just one word.

Still working on the preliminaries of this topic, practicing sports also brings a great benefit, which is knowledge. Every new sport that we decide to practice, we will have to study it, learn it and work with it, so that we become more and more familiar with its environment and all that it can bring us positively.

But, we ended the scope and left for the isolation of swimming and all the main benefits that it can provide us with its routine practice.

What is lifeguard swimming

As mentioned before, every sport has its own history, which we also need to know in order to understand the ground we stand on and thus have a better performance. So you should have at least a brief idea of ​​what swimming is. Its history and how it came about, namely:

Search in the Portuguese dictionary for the explanation for “swimming”, you will read that it is the “action, exercise or sport of swimming” or “means of movement of animals living or not in water”. Such animals can be both rational (nodes) and irrational of various types.

Furthermore, we can even say that such a practice is intrinsic in our DNA. Some with a greater or lesser capacity than others for the act of handling while in the water.

As a sport, swimming is dated in competitions since the middle of the 1896 century, present in all editions of the modern Olympic Games, in XNUMX, with a great evolution over time.

The modality is one of the most practiced all over the world . It not only brings gains in physical fitness, but also in breathing and its aspects, so to speak.

The swimming styles

Did you know it’s not just swimming? Are there right styles for each type of in-water performance? To find out, learn a little more about the sport:

Crawling – alternating strokes and vertical movement, also alternating;

Shores – alternating arm and leg movements such as in the front crawl, but with the back to the bottom of the pool;
Chest – in the prone position, the athlete projects the body out of the pool and performs a movement of arms and legs together,
butterfly (dolphin) – Wavy leg movement like breast stroke, but with simultaneous arm movement, projection from the pool.
In addition to styles, new sports modalities have emerged over time that are a kind of “arm” of the sport, see:

Water polo: Water polo is a team sport, basically similar to handball. The teams must try to play the ball inside the opposite goal, defended by the goalkeeper, but it is practiced in a swimming pool.
Synchronized Swimming: Artistic swimming is a hybrid sport that incorporates concepts from swimming, gymnastics and dance, where swimmers perform a synchronized routine of elaborate and dramatic movements in the water, accompanied by music.
Diving: Diving or jumping into the water is the skill set that involves jumping from an elevated platform or trampoline into the water, performing aesthetic movements while falling. It is considered a sport of plastic and flexible engineering.
Diving: Diving is the practice of submersion, either with a breathing apparatus or holding your breath, called free diving.

The health benefits of Lifeguard swimming

In every academic article defended by a master’s student, content in school books or on the Internet, swimming is understood as one of the most complete sports for human health, reaching the whole body at the same time while exercising.

In addition to moving many muscles of the trunk, upper and lower limbs, swimming has a low level of impact compared to other sports such as football and basketball, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Specialists recommend swimming for people who want to lose weight, and also for others who have some kind of respiratory pathology. It is also often recommended for infants as one of the most effective ways to develop.

Another very interesting point about the benefits of swimming is that its practice leads to an improvement in motor coordination.

Also Read About: The benefits of swimming for children with ALA

Other benefits of swimming:

  • Increases your cardiovascular capacity;
  • Builds muscle mass throughout the body;
  • Injuries are incredibly rare;
  • It is suitable for people in all circumstances;
  • Burn calories in large quantities;
  • Improves the quality of sleep;
  • Improves mood;
  • Helps to reduce stress ; is
  • Improves your flexibility.

Period when you start practicing swimming

According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), swimming is recommended for children from 06 months, especially as a way to help children achieve successful results in their motor coordination, because even in the early years of life little beings do do not have their motor skills in perfect development.

However, it is important that there is adequate supervision while the lessons are practiced, and also after school in recreational activities, so that there are no life-threatening accidents.

Please note that just because a child takes swimming lessons does not mean that they can be considered an excellent swimmer, in short, they should under no circumstances be unsupervised in swimming pools or in the open sea.

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