Home » Creativity On a Budget: A Guide To Finding Affordable Supplies For DIY Art Projects At Home 

Creativity On a Budget: A Guide To Finding Affordable Supplies For DIY Art Projects At Home 

by Steven Brown
Affordable Supplies

People are looking for creative ways to pass the time at home by crafting and creating. But for many of us, the cost of supplies can be a major barrier to getting started. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get your hands on affordable supplies for DIY art projects. Learn about custom washi tape printing and everything will be easy as hell. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find the best deals on the materials you need to get started on your creative journey. Using thrift stores and online marketplaces, we’ll show you how to start crafting for less.

DIY items don’t have to be expensive.

When you think of art, do you picture expensive canvases and paint brushes? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it has to be that way! 

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to create great art on a budget. In fact, some of my favorite projects were made using items I found around my home or in the recycling bin. 

If you’re looking for fun and affordable art supplies, there are lots of options out there. You can make all kinds of things from things that you already have or can find at your local dollar store or thrift shop. 

Take a look around your home.

You might be surprised at all of the resources you already have! Taking a look around your home can help you find things to use for your project. You’ll easily find things such as custom washi tape or washi tape custom (yeah, those two are different things). Here are some tips:

  • Look in your kitchen and bathroom cabinets, drawers and closets. 
  • Check out what storage bins you have stashed away and make sure they’re clean before using them again. 
  • Do you have any old frames lying around? Keep an eye out for those too—you might be able to recycle them into something new!
  • If there are things that aren’t working in their current role, maybe it’s time for them to take on a new one! Combine something with another object from around the house if it doesn’t seem to work. Just put some washi tape custom on it over and over again.  There are also paint sticks. Those could help fix up an otherwise torn garment.

Organize a swap.

If you’re an artist or crafter, you know that art supplies can be expensive. Additionally, you probably have a few items that you no longer use but others might appreciate. A swap is a great way to get rid of those unused supplies, while at the same time obtaining new ones for yourself.

To organize your own swap:

  • Decide on the theme or mediums of your swaps (for example: acrylic paints or painting paper). 
  • Create a list of all the supplies needed for each category, along with price estimates when possible (if not available at retail locations). 
  • Post your list online with space for people to indicate which resources they would be willing to donate and in what quantity. 
  • The amount of swaps that participate will determine how many different types there are—the more participants there are, the more opportunities for them!
  • Once you’ve decided on everything else about your event—date/time; location; cost per person if applicable—you’re ready to host!

Go through your recycling.

If you’re looking to save money on art supplies, but have no idea where to start, look no further than your recycling bin! 

Recycling is an important part of modern life and can be made even more rewarding with a little creativity. There are boundless possibilities when it comes to finding DIY materials that could be used in art projects at home. Here are just a few ideas:

Paper bags (brown cardboard or white plastic) 

You can use these as canvases for paint or glue them onto frames and hang them on your wall like artwork. If you have any old newspapers lying around, tear strips from them and crumple them up into balls for texture!

Egg cartons

Use these as building blocks for three-dimensional sculptures or flowerspots. Place one half inside the other so it stands upright then cut holes in each end for drainage before filling with potting soil or sand; plant seeds or arrange flower stems inside!


There are a variety of places to find durable, affordable supplies for DIY art projects. You can shop in person or online at stores like Aliexpress, Amazon, and Etsy. You can also find materials at thrift stores or hunt for secondhand items online at sites like eBay. Make sure to take advantage of coupons and discounts to save money on the supplies you need. With a little research and patience, you can easily find affordable supplies for all your DIY art project needs.

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