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Signs & Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

by Steven Brown

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that typically grow at the very back of the mouth, usually between ages 17 and 25. They are sometimes referred to as “third molars,” because they are far behind the other two sets of molars, making them the last teeth in the mouth to emerge.

For some people, their wisdom teeth will emerge just fine, while others may experience pain and discomfort. If the tooth is not properly aligned or it comes in at an angle, it can cause damage to other teeth or even create problems when it comes time to chew food.

In some cases, wisdom teeth may become impacted. This means that the tooth is prevented from fully erupting through the gum tissue into its intended position. Impacted wisdom teeth may cause discomfort, infection, or damage to nearby teeth if not removed in time.

There are also instances when it may be necessary to remove wisdom teeth. This is usually done when the tooth is impacted or misaligned, or if it causes pain and discomfort. During wisdom teeth removal, the dentist will make a small incision in your gums to remove the problematic tooth.

After removal, you may experience some swelling and tenderness for a few days. But your SmileVille dentist will provide instructions about how to care for your teeth and gums during the healing process.

So, how do you know your wisdom tooth is erupting?

Signs & Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

1. Pain or tenderness in the gums

When a wisdom tooth is erupting, it can cause severe pain or tenderness in the gums, which may be accompanied by swelling, redness, and discomfort. This is because wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt from the jawbone and often do not have enough room to grow normally.

2. Swelling in the area of the back molars

As the impacted wisdom tooth is pushing against other teeth, it can cause swelling and pressure in that area. This can be accompanied by a feeling of tightness and pain when eating or talking.

3. Bad breath

When wisdom teeth are coming in, you may notice an unpleasant taste and bad breath due to bacteria trapped around the tooth.

4. Jaw pain

As the wisdom tooth pushes against other teeth and your jawbone, it can cause pain in the jaw. This is especially noticeable when you try to open or close your mouth.

5. Difficulty opening your mouth

When the pressure from an impacted tooth is pushing on the surrounding teeth, you may find it difficult to open your mouth wide. This can make it difficult to eat and talk.

6. Headaches

As the pressure on your jaw increases when wisdom teeth emerge, you may experience frequent headaches in that area. These can range from mild to severe and are often accompanied by neck pain.

7. A feeling of something stuck in your throat

You may feel as if something is stuck in your throat when a wisdom tooth is coming in. This is because the tooth may be pushing against soft tissue and irritating.

8. Difficulty sleeping

If you are dealing with wisdom tooth pain, it can make it difficult to get comfortable enough to sleep, resulting in exhaustion and fatigue.

9. Bad taste in your mouth

When the eruption of a wisdom tooth causes bacteria to build up, you may experience a bad taste in your mouth. This can be accompanied by bad breath and an unpleasant smell.

10. Tooth mobility

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause other teeth to become loose or mobile due to the pressure they are exerting. If left untreated, this can lead to tooth loss.

11. Bleeding gums

When a wisdom tooth is coming in, the gums may become inflamed and bleed easily when brushing or flossing. This is due to the pressure from the erupting tooth irritating the gum tissue.

12. Jaw stiffness

As impacted wisdom teeth push against other teeth and your jawbone, it can cause stiffness in the area. This may be accompanied by pain and discomfort when you move your jaw.

13. Bump on the gums

You may notice a bump or lump appearing on your gums near the wisdom tooth area as the tooth starts to emerge from beneath the surface. This is due to the pressure of the tooth pushing against your gums.

14. Earache

As wisdom teeth are close to your ear canal, they can cause pain and discomfort in that area when erupting. This may be a dull ache or a sharp stabbing sensation, depending on the severity of the impact.

15. Swelling of the face

Severe impactions can cause swelling in the face, as well as pain and discomfort. This is due to the pressure from the impacted tooth irritating surrounding tissues.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your South Morang dentist or oral surgeon as soon as possible!

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