Home » Things You Need To Know About Chin Reduction Surgery

Things You Need To Know About Chin Reduction Surgery

by Steven Brown

Chin reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that is applied for reducing the width, length, and overall size of your chin. It helps an individual’s chin to appear balanced with other facial features.

This article will discuss everything that you need to know about Cirugía de reducción de mentón, for instance, what this surgery is, details of the procedure, recovery, risks, benefits, and so on. So, if you are interested in learning about this surgery in-depth, consider reading this article to the end.

What is Chin Reduction Surgery

Chin Reduction Surgery, also known as chin shaving surgery or mentoplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of an individual’s chin. In case you stand out for your peculiar length or size of the chin, then by opting for this surgery you can have a balanced chin.

When you undergo this surgery, your surgeon will help you to improve the balance between your chin and other facial features.

Who can undergo chin reduction surgery?

While there are not any obligations or conditions one must have in order to undergo this surgery. However, the most common conditions when an individual undergoes this surgery are when the individual has any of the following conditions,

  • Congenital Deformities of the chin or jaw bone (Inborn condition)
  • Macrogenia (large chin)
  • Prognathism (protruding chin)
  • Witch’s Chin

Chin Reduction Surgical Procedure

When opting for chin reduction surgery, your surgeon will instruct you in detail on how to prepare for the surgery. These instructions have been listed below,

  • Ask you to stop taking certain medications, for eg, inflammatory drugs or aspirin
  • Ask you to perform a blood test to ensure you are healthy to undergo surgery
  • You will be subjected to X-rays and other visual scans to plan your surgery
  • If you are an avid smoker, then you will be provided with an appropriate plan to quit smoking
  • Will take photos of your current chin to compare it afterward the surgery

What can you expect during the surgery

On the day of your surgery, an anesthetist will administer general anesthesia on your chin. It will numb the area and will put you to sleep. Chin reduction surgery can take 2 to 3 hours. During the surgery, the surgeon will,

  • Make an incision inside your mouth or under the chin (or both).
  • Use the surgical tool to cut your chin bone
  • Shapes your chin in a way that is symmetrical with your other facial features
  • Once the surgery will be done, the surgeon will use stitches to close the incision

Post-surgical Procedure

Chin reduction surgeries are usually outpatient procedures. Meaning you can go home the very day your surgery has been performed. However, in some cases, the surgeon will instruct you to remain in the hospital for the day to relax.

After the surgery, the surgeon will give you appropriate and specific instructions about oral care, cleaning, or taking care of the incision.

Benefits of Chin reduction surgery

Chin reduction surgery helps an individual to get balanced or symmetrical facial features. It can also achieve several other improvements from discomfort when combined with other surgical procedures like orthognathic surgery.

Side effects of Chin reduction surgery

Surgery often comes with certain side effects due to various reasons. These might be

  • Allergy caused by the anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Scars

In order to avoid these side effects, you must opt for a reputed surgeon and you should also follow all the instructions with utmost importance.

Recovery and Outlook

The recovery from chin reduction surgery varies from one person to another. This is mainly due to factors like age, health, or whether you had opted for any other combined surgical procedure. Afterward the procedure, you will be asked to,

  • Eat soft food or a liquid diet
  • Avoid physical activities
  • Wear dressing over your incision

After a week or two, you might also feel a few certain irregularities like,

  • Swelling or bruising
  • The area of the incision feels tight or stretched

When should you contact your doctor?

Here are a few conditions when you contact your healthcare provider immediately,

  • Fever or flu
  • Numbness
  • Severe pain on your chin as well as your face
  • Signs of infection in the area of the incision

Chin reduction surgery is the only treatment to get rid of a peculiar chin. Before you decide to opt for this surgery, you need to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon to plan your surgery in the best way possible.

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