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What To Do When Your SEO Is Not Working?

by Steven Brown

When your SEO isn’t working, It’s great to see your site ranking well on Google. But if you don’t understand how it works, it can be very confusing. In this blog post, we’ll help you understand what exactly makes up an SEO campaign and how to evaluate the effectiveness of your current strategy. We’ll also offer some advice on what to do if circumstances aren’t exactly as expected.

Improve Your Content

You can improve your content by: 

● Keep it simple- Avoid using jargon or technical terminology, and make sure your target audience will find the content relevant.

● Don’t be afraid to add some personality. Your content should engage the reader and make them want to read more.

● Make sure you’re using the right tone. Don’t be too stiff or formal, but don’t sound like a chatty friend. It should be somewhere in between.

● Ensure that your content is correct and current. If it isn’t, People will soon grow disinterested and go on to other things.

You Don’t Need All The Technical Tools

When you’re trying to optimize your site, the last thing you want to do is spend money on tools that don’t work as well as they claim. So how can you tell if a tool is worth it?

● The cost of the tool if there’s no way for you to get an accurate estimate of how much time it will take your team and you to use a particular tool, then you probably won’t use it. For example, Google Analytics isn’t free and requires time spent setting up profiles for each website, which could take hours or days depending on how many sites there are and which ones need profiles set up first (and how complicated those websites are).

● The time needed: This can be measured in different ways: the number of hours per week dedicated just towards using this particular software, the number remaining after other responsibilities like work, etcetera.

● However, whatever measurement method we choose needs careful consideration because different people have varying schedules with varying priorities—some may only want something simple, while others may find themselves working long hours so that they can keep up with all their tasks at once!

Your Content Includes Keyword-Stuffed Content

Keyword stuffing is when you include keywords to get them to appear on the search engine results page. This practice is considered bad because it looks unnatural and can lead to penalties. Instead, write for humans and not search engines!

Your Website Contains Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is when you have one page containing the same information. For instance, if your website contains two pages with the word “cat,” they are duplicates. If this happens in Google Search Console or on the Google Search Engine itself (which happens all too often! ), then it’s time to take action!

To determine whether your website contains duplicate content:

●   Use a tool like Copyscape to search your content and ensure no duplicates.

●   Use the Google Search Console to see if any of your pages contain duplicate meta descriptions or titles.

Analyze Your Website’s Structural SEO

The easiest way to find any problems with your website’s coding and code structure is through a technical SEO audit. It can help you fix any problems that may be preventing your site from performing well in search results and identify new optimization opportunities.

According to the research of SEO Newcastle, The first step of a technical SEO audit is to check for broken links on your site. Broken links occur when someone incorrectly links one page or section of a site to another while keeping other pages intact without linking them properly (for example, redirecting one section but forgetting about another). To perform this task yourself:

●  Browse through each page on your website using Google Search Console; if any broken links are present, they will appear in red under “Indexation Status” when viewing an organic result set.

●  Add all necessary rel=canonical tags into HTML files where appropriate (e.g., This ensures that browsers continue to follow links off-site rather than being redirected back to yours!

First, you should research the competition. This may be done by examining their website, content, and the search terms they are focusing on. What kind of SEO is it? Are they doing things that are similar to yours, and if so, how different are they?

This may be done by examining their website, content, and the search terms they are focusing on.


Don’t be discouraged. SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant attention, but it can be done. Don’t give up if your attempts aren’t producing any outcomes!  Keep reading the blog and researching what others say about their experiences with search engine optimization (SEO). If you maintain your optimistic attitude and persevere, you could be amazed by how quickly everything will get better for you.

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