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8 things to know about low maintenance indoor plants!

by Steven Brown
8 things to know about low maintenance indoor plants!

Indoor plants have become increasingly popular due to the many benefits they bring to a space. Not only do plants add life and beauty to a room, but they also have many health benefits, like improving the air quality of your home and providing stress reduction. However, many of these same plants require a significant amount of care and maintenance, which makes it hard to keep up with them. Fortunately, there are many varieties of low-maintenance indoor plants that can give you all the benefits of houseplants with none of the hassle. 

Here are eight things to know about low maintenance indoor plants:

1. Not All Plants Need the Same Care

Due to different climates, soil, light and water requirements, the care and maintenance needs of each plant can vary greatly. Some are high-maintenance, while others are low-maintenance. Knowing the specifics of each plant’s needs and giving it what it needs regularly will ensure that it thrives for years to come.

2. Succulents are a Good Choice

Succulents are one of the best indoor plants. These plants often only need to be watered a few times a month and are very resistant to diseases and pests. They come in an array of shapes, colors, and sizes, making them the perfect addition to any room in your home.

3. Ferns and Ivy Connect with Nature

Ferns and ivy are both excellent choices for those of us who want to connect with nature in our home. Ferns are tolerant of low levels of light and need to be watered just once a week. Ivy is usually trained to grow on walls and requires very little maintenance, as it requires only a light misting to keep it looking vibrant.

4. Spider Plants are Easy to Care For

Spider plants are extremely easy to care for. The plant’s long, thin stems can be hung or allowed to cascade down from a pot or basket, making it a great way to add some height to a room. Spider plants should be watered once a week and kept in a location that receives bright but indirect sunlight.

5. Orchids Bring a Touch of Elegance

Orchids are one of the most popular flowering indoor plants. They require minimal care to keep blooming for year-round beauty, and their flowers come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. To keep an orchid blooming, it needs to be in a bright area with indirect sunlight, and watered about once a week with a special orchid fertilizer.

6. Air Plants are Almost Care-Free

Air plants have the unique ability to absorb their moisture from the air, making them some of the easiest plants to care for. While they should be given light misting of water or submerged in water once a week, they can thrive in a range of environments, including rooms with low-light conditions.

7. Herb Gardens Make Cooking More Fun

Herb gardens are some of the easiest plants to take care of and make cooking fun too! And, by growing your own herbs, you’ll know exactly what’s in your food. Herbs need to be watered every few days and should have plenty of light.

8. Bamboo is Versatile

Bamboo is a popular low-maintenance indoor plant. Its tall stems add a sense of height to a room and its leaves provide an interesting texture. Bamboo needs to be watered once a week and should be kept in an area with bright but indirect light.

There are many low-maintenance indoor plants and air purifying plants out there that are perfect for any home. By selecting the right variety and giving it the right care, these plants will give you years of enjoyment with minimal effort on your part.

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