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What Are The Business Benefits Of CRM Integrations?

by gaurav gupta

Giving businesses of all sizes, and in all manner of industries, the opportunity to place client-related data in a single, easy to access platform, customer relationship management (CRM) software has revolutionized the way in which companies operate.

While ideally, data related to customers should seamlessly flow between all of your different tools, this isn’t usually the case with the majority of businesses. Because they are dealing with such an influx of big data from a variety of channels, businesses struggle to stay in sync without the help of CRM integrations to guide them towards better decision making driven by data, and an enhanced customer experience.

If you would love to connect your apps and platforms seamlessly to better manage relations with customers,close crm integrations could be the solution. To find out more, read on:

What exactly are CRM integrations?

When you connect your existing CRM software with a third-party application, this is known as CRM integration. Updating information in real-time, it also helps you stop having to swap between systems, enabling you to create pathways that are automatic, instead of you having to update information manually, or copy and paste it using two tools.

CRM integration gives you the ability to connect both tools, and guarantee that all information is real-time updated. When you launch an email marketing campaign, for example, its results will be tracked and populated automatically within your CRM system. This also automatically syncs with other accounts and contacts, so that your entire sales team get all the customer engagement information they need to make sales pitches that are accurate.

What are the benefits of CRM integrations?

There are a number of different advantages of integrating your CRM with your tech stacks other tools, and below are just a few of them:

  • Enhanced efficiency

Make manually entering data across a range of systems a thing of the past, with automated data transfers that give teams the chance to focus on work that’s more impactful and strategic.

  • Accurate data

Updated in real time and always accurate, an integrated CRM helps you avoid mistakes or mismatches due to un-synced records.

  • Enhanced customer experiences

With complete and updated information about all interactions with customers, an integrated CRM helps your sales reps interact more personally with customers, move them closer to conversion with engaging, relevant content, and offer timely, personalized assistance by anticipating their needs.

  • Enhanced collaboration

With each team in your company able to access real-time data, communication and collaboration becomes simplified, helping them work together far more effectively.

  • Greater revenue generation

With accurate information that they can access instantly, and in real time, sales teams can use this without the fear of it getting lost in translation when transferred between different systems. This can help a business to convert more leads, close deals, provide customer satisfaction and improve their experiences overall.

  • Insights that are data-driven and powerful

By having all of your data integrated into your CRM system, you’re able to gain insights related to each customer’s journey that are extremely valuable. Tracking customer behavior across a range of channels and understanding how they are engaging with your brand can be incredibly empowering and essential for both marketing and sales.

Close crm sales training can help your sales teams get the very best out of CRM integrations, and give them the confidence they need to take your company to new heights.

So, if you feel like your business is floundering and part of the reason could be because you’re not able to use data to your advantage, try close CRM integrations and enjoy seamless data sharing for tangible results.

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