Home » What Is the SEDEX  Platform and Why is it the Industry Standard for Environmental Audits?

What Is the SEDEX  Platform and Why is it the Industry Standard for Environmental Audits?

by Steven Brown

What is SEDEX audit and How Does It Work?

The Special Economic Development and Environmental Protection law (SEDEX) is a law that was passed in 1998. The purpose of this law is to protect the environment and promote economic growth in Mexico. It also aims to protect the rights of indigenous communities, as well as those of workers, farmers and fishers. In addition, it aims to support small businesses and create jobs in Mexico.

The SEDEX audit is an important part of the SEDEX program. This program audits companies that produce goods that are harmful to the environment or do not comply with environmental laws. These audits are carried out by local authorities who have been trained to carry out this type of inspection.

The goal of these audits is to ensure that companies are being responsible for their products and following all applicable laws. The auditor will check for any possible violations such as pollution, contamination or illegal dumping of waste products from production facilities into rivers or lakes, for example.

What are SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) Why are They Important?

SMETA is a certification program that evaluates the ethical trade policies of companies and their adherence to international standards of business conduct. SMETA is an initiative of the Sedex Foundation, which was founded in 1998 by Sedex, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ethical trade practices. The Certification Program was created to help companies and investors make ethical choices when purchasing goods that are produced by companies that follow these standards.

The SMETA certification process requires a company to complete an evaluation of its business practices against internationally recognized principles of ethical trade. The evaluation includes an assessment of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, environmental management systems (EMS), human rights policies and labor practices. The evaluation also includes an assessment of the company’s supply chain management (SCM) system and its compliance with applicable ethical trade standards.

This certification program is designed to help companies improve their ability to compete in global markets while maintaining high standards for product safety and efficiency. Companies that score well on this audit may be eligible for additional benefits such as discounted insurance rates or tax breaks from their governing bodies.


In conclusion, the importance of SMETA and SEDEX audits is that they provide an independent third party audit of the compliance of a bank with international standards. This is particularly important in cases where there are concerns about fraud or corruption.

The results of these audits can be used to improve the internal controls at a bank, or they can be used to prosecute those who have breached their duties.

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