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Why is residential Pest Control important nowadays?

by Steven Brown

Life is a complex game made easier sometimes just by the way we respond and not react to situations. Our daily routine is and will have its fair seasons of smooth rides and rough patches to handle and we have to accept it and take care of it. Like pests—they are there, unavoidable and always find a way in. No matter how beautiful and well maintained our interiors are or even if it is dirty sometime or other insects, flies, rodents and birds drop in announced and gently disrupting our lives in search of warmth, food, shelter. If we react to it we would first try the do-it-yourself way but if we respond to their presence there are specialist residential pest control Sydney service providers who do a commendable job and ensure permanent removal and permanent peace!

So wherever there is human life and habitation pests are sure to be around looking for entry bringing with them pathogens, germs and other agents that cause health risks and property damage. So before you think of additional expenses that would come from hiringin pest control services Sydneyexperts, and opt for do it yourself, techniques here are a few reasons why you need to know the reasons pests can be dangerous.

Pests carry disease causing agents

Pests transmit infections by disease causing pathogens when they come in contact with human skin through stings or bites. Many disease causing virus, bacteria, fungi also are carried on their tails and coats and these again spread infections. Work spaces, kitchen counter tops, articles of daily use, cooking appliances and equipments get infected by excreta, body parts, hairs of pests. Common diseases caused by residential pests are-

Rodents like rats and mice carry pathogens that cause symptoms of diseases like Salmonella, Weil’s disease and Leptospirosis. House flies can cause symptoms like dysentery, salmonella, food poisoning and typhoid fever.

Mosquito borne diseases include Dengue and Barmah forest virus illness with symptoms that include fever, skin rashes, headache, joint pan, fatigue. Bites of bed bugs can turn red and itchy when they affect legs, shoulder and arms.

Bird diseases that can be transmitted to humans from pigeons, starling, sparrows and geese are Histoplasmosis which is a respiratory disease caused by a fungus growing in dried bird feces. Candidiasis caused by a fungi or yeast affects respiratory system, skin, mouth, uro-genital tract, intestines and vagina. It causes itching and pain in women and is spread through pigeons. Salmonellosis manifests as food poisoning are caused by pigeons, sparrows, and starlings. Another well known infection is E. coli which is spread by birds.

Birds also are associated with over 50 types of ectoparasites which ingest their way through structures to infest and bite humans. Most of these are harmful to both humans and household animals. Some examples of ectoparasite include bed bugs, chicken mites, yellow meal worms, etc. So to avoid all this residential pest control Sydney service providers can identify the pest and eradicate the pests completely restoring a healthy environment.

 Damage household articles

Pests can be highly destructive and attack your belongings. Moths attack cloth and food. Silverfish feed on organic fibers and spoil books, insulation, wallpaper, photographs and important paperwork. Carpenter ants, beetles and termites too destroy and wood is reduced to powdery mess and become weak.

Food Contamination by pests

Pests too are living beings and like us they need food, warmth, water and shelter to live, and breed. The principal area of attraction and interest in residences is the kitchen area. They find a route of entry and then start feeding on food supplies leaving pathogens like bacteria and virus along with their feces or urine. Pests also attack stores and larders and rummage and eat through cereals, seeds, grains, dried nuts and fruits, etc. While they do so they contaminate those spreading infections among humans and pets.

DIY methods of pest control brings only temporary relief

Tackling a few harmless ants, cockroaches and flies can be easy battle especially when you have a variety of store bought sprays around. So a quick spray and a wipe there, they seem to be gone. Not quite. These sprays are only temporary fixes as sooner or later these pest reappear and in a more militant mood to attack. Houses attract pests because of the conditions pests seek, it’s about food, water and shelter. Also in severe infestation or instances of pests like wasp and bees, taking things into your own hand is not only tricky but dangerous as you can end up with multiple painful stings that might need medical intervention. So why go through all this when you can leave it to experts who know their job with precision and brings in peaceful eradication and restore a stress free and pest free home.

Destroy the overall look and safety of residences 

Pests are nuisance and often cause so much stress on the structure and outer face of the buildings.

Wood borers are nasty little devils that ingest wooden furniture, antique items, decorative woodwork, wooden floors and structural window and door frames

Termites are the deadliest and can cause immense harm as they multiply and eat cellulose from all wooden beams, furniture, objects. They are elusive and very difficult to detect. Possums like rodents can be sneaky and cause damage to electrical wires and affect insulation. Mice and rats can cause short circuit by damaging lines and cables and also eat their way through tin and plastic, often spoiling residential equipments and kitchen appliances. They also can damage water pipes causing extra expenditure to residential owners. Bird droppings can deface the aesthetic appearance of pavements, walls, exteriors of buildings .Their droppings are highly acidic that affect stone, wood and iron. Droppings get accumulated and clog gutters and damage roofs.

Increase your anxiety and make your homes look unappealing

Insects and pests who are nocturnal keep you awake by their screeches or noisy activity and some crawl around uncontrolled across your work spaces, furniture and even on your bed and bathrooms leaving stains from food, feces and urine. A home full of pests spoils impression and a kitchen that harbors pest is a breeding ground of diseases. So to avoid all this one of the top focus and priority of all residential owners or tenants should be to have your living areas pest proof by involving pest control services Sydney experts whose intervention can ensure total eradication and minimize any chances of future pest infestation. At day end health is wealth and restoring health and hygiene should be top priority for any residential owner. Get in touch with experts at 247 Pest Control Sydney today!

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