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Save Time And Money By Installing A Level 2 Charger

by Steven Brown
Save Time And Money By Installing A Level 2 Charger

Are you looking to save both time and money when it comes to charging your electric vehicle (EV)? Installing a Level 2 charger at your home or business is a great way to do just that. Not only will you be able to charge your EV faster, but you can also save on the Level 2 Charger Installation Cost as well. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of installing a Level 2 charger and the associated cost.

What Is A Level 2 Charger?

A Level 2 charger is a fast-charging electric vehicle (EV) charging station that supplies up to 240 volts of direct current (DC) power to the car’s battery. This allows the battery to charge faster than other charging stations, and can be up to five times faster than a Level 1 charger. This makes it ideal for those who want to quickly charge their EVs and get back on the road.

Level 2 chargers can also be installed in both residential and commercial properties, depending on your needs. They usually require a dedicated circuit breaker and sometimes an additional electrical upgrade. The cost of Level 2 charger installation varies based on the type of installation, local labor rates, and other factors. Generally speaking, Level 2 charger installation costs range from $700 – $2,000.

How Much Does It Cost To Install A Level 2 Charger?

The Level 2 charger installation cost will vary depending on the specific needs of your home or business. Generally speaking, a Level 2 charger installation can range anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 for the hardware and installation. This cost can go up if you need additional wiring, outlets, or other special considerations. If you are in a multi-unit residential building, the installation cost may be higher due to the complexity of the wiring.

The cost for hiring an electrician for a Level 2 charger installation can also vary greatly depending on where you live and the complexity of the project. It is important to note that many utility companies offer discounts or incentives to offset some of the costs associated with installing a Level 2 charger. It is also important to research all local codes and regulations that may apply to your specific situation.

How Much Time Will I Save By Installing A Level 2 Charger?

The time savings you can experience with a Level 2 charger installation can be quite significant. Depending on your location and the size of your battery, a Level 2 charger can reduce your charging time by up to 70%. This means that instead of having to wait hours for your car to charge, you could have it done in as little as 20 minutes. This is a huge time-saving benefit, especially if you’re in a hurry. Not only do you save time when it comes to charging your vehicle, but the Level 2 charger installation cost is also far lower than other options, so you save money in the long run too.

How Much Money Will I Save By Installing A Level 2 Charger?

The amount of money that you can save by installing a Level 2 charger will depend on a few factors such as the cost of electricity in your area, the cost of the Level 2 charger installation, and the type of vehicle you are charging. The initial Level 2 charger installation cost will vary depending on your location, the type of charger and installation, and other factors. Generally, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for a Level 2 charger installation.

But, the cost may be offset by rebates or tax credits depending on where you live. Once your Level 2 charger is installed, you should start to see an immediate reduction in your electricity costs. This is because Level 2 chargers can provide up to six times the amount of power as a standard wall outlet, meaning that it will take less time to charge your car’s battery. This will result in lower electricity costs due to reduced charging time.

Additionally, some electricity providers may offer discounts for off-peak charging with a Level 2 charger. In the long run, installing a Level 2 charger could also help reduce your maintenance costs due to slower battery degradation over time. This is because Level 2 chargers allow for precise temperature control, allowing you to maintain a consistent battery temperature which can prolong the life of your battery. Overall, investing in a Level 2 charger installation can result in significant savings on electricity costs and maintenance costs in the long run. So while the initial Level 2 charger installation cost may seem high, the long-term savings can make it worth the investment.

Is There Anything Else I Need To Know Before I Install A Level 2 Charger?

Before investing in the installation of a Level 2 charger, there are a few other things to consider. Firstly, the cost of installation can vary greatly depending on where you live and the type of charger you are installing. Make sure to research the Level 2 charger installation cost for your area to get an accurate estimate. You may also need to consider the availability of professional installers in your area or if you will need to hire an electrician. If you decide to install the charger yourself, make sure to double-check the wiring and electrical components in order to avoid any potential safety risks.


Installing a Level 2 charger is an excellent way to save time and money. The initial Level 2 charger installation cost may seem intimidating, but it is important to remember that it will pay for itself over time in the form of reduced charging time and energy costs. If you have considered installing a Level 2 charger, now is the time to make the investment. You’ll be glad you did!

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