Home » What Are The Problems Faced By Online Travel Agencies?

What Are The Problems Faced By Online Travel Agencies?

by Steven Brown
Travel Agencies

Travel Agencies Rely on Outdated Technology

The technology used by travel agencies is outdated and not user-friendly. It’s not easy to use, learn or understand, which makes it difficult for the customer to complete their booking process. This means that many travellers are forced to go through multiple steps before they can get their booking done, which leads to increased frustration levels on both sides of the equation: travellers who want what they paid for (and expect) are often frustrated by having such a long journey ahead of them; while travelling agents who are trying their best but find themselves stuck with an outdated system that needs constant maintenance just so they can keep up with demand. PIA travel agents can guide you properly regarding your budget.

It’s Difficult to Keep Up With How Your Bookings Are Progressing

  • It’s difficult to keep up with how your bookings are progressing, and only 10% of agents report problems remotely.
  • Agents often lack the necessary tools to manage their clients’ bookings. They don’t have access to all the information they need about their customer’s itineraries or payments, so they can’t send follow-up emails or track payments as they’re due (or even at all). The result? Agents waste time trying to figure out why something isn’t happening when it could be happening—and then blowing up in frustration when it doesn’t happen!

Agents Are Trained to Be Overly Polite

Agents are trained to be overly courteous. In the past, agents would ask a lot of questions about your trip, which could make you feel like they were trying to get all their money out of you. But now, they’re more likely to be friendly and helpful instead of trying to sell themselves as much as possible.

This is because there have been several cases where an agent has made up answers on behalf of their clients (or just plain lied), causing a huge amount of trouble for both parties involved. The best thing that travellers can do when dealing with an online travel agency is to take advantage of these new policies by being assertive about what information needs to be provided before booking any trips—and then getting those details straight from multiple sources before making any commitments whatsoever!

The Web Interface Is Often Too Unwieldy

One of the biggest problems online travel agencies face is that the web interface is often too unwieldy for one person to deal with all the customers at once. Agents need to be able to manage multiple bookings at once, and it’s not uncommon for there to be many more customers than they can handle. This means that agents spend a lot of time on their computers, making them less efficient when it comes time for them to do anything else (like answering calls or emails).

There Is No Email Support for Agents

If you’re an agent, it’s not uncommon for your manager to ask you to email them directly. This is because they want more information and don’t want to wait for a reply from their email address. However, when this happens with multiple managers, there’s no way for the agents themselves to get an answer—and sometimes that can lead to confusion and frustration as well as wasted time and effort trying different routes (or even just ignoring calls altogether).

Most Agents Have No Idea What Their Manager’s Priorities Are

Most agents have no idea what their manager’s priorities are. They’re not given enough information, and when they do get some, it’s often late in the game. Agents are expected to move quickly and make decisions without much guidance from above. This makes for a stressful environment for both employees and customers alike. In addition, there aren’t enough tools available for agents who need them most—like training or basic computer skills! And finally: no support from management means that there’s little hope of getting any kind of help if something goes wrong on your end (which happens more often than you’d think).

Agents Have to Learn a Different Set of Skills

Agents have to learn a different set of skills for each booking system they use. It’s also important that agents know how to handle customer queries in a friendly manner, as well as be able to explain the benefits and features of each service.


The biggest issue for online travel agencies is that sales are declining, which has many causes. One of them is the bad reputation many online travel agents have gained over time. The problem is that they don’t care about getting the best customer experience and focus on selling as much as possible to make their commission checks on time to pay off their debtors, their shareholder’s dividends, or both.

  • Customers Are Confused By Different Sites And Don’t Know What They Want To Book
  • Smaller brands can struggle with increased competition because they lack sufficient brand awareness or differentiation compared to larger companies in the market. Moreover, as consumers become more sophisticated, many choose not to use a website without email access. They enjoy mobile shopping experiences where search results are customised based on such factors as itinerary details, hotel preferences, etc. These trends create challenges for smaller brands and increase potential confusion among customers when selecting from multiple websites operated by different brands and through different marketing channels that offer products based on similar criteria at similar prices .!!!(more)


 Online travel agencies need to do more than just sell – they need to build trust with customers who will return repeatedly; one-shot visitors rarely repeat visitors when it comes down to booking a hotel room or airfare tickets. It takes time for some people’s brains to process new information, so be patient with your customers – you will build up trust over time! For example, instead of trying to.

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